Best Trading Time Frame For Day Trading | The Stock Journal

 Best Candlestick Time Frame For Intraday Trading, Day Trading

Best Candlestick chart Time Frame For intraday trading, day trading

Time frame is very important, we all know that, and we all would agree on this. If you don't choose the right time frame then your trading decisions might be different or wrong. This is a level of importance of timeframe in the trading, the trading frame is not right and your decision will be different or wrong. People are usually stuck on finding the right trading time frame for them because everybody is actually confused about the time frame. They usually don't even understand the meaning of it and they just follow what others have been telling them. We will tell you the best time frame for day trading and also we will give you an answer of why. You don't have to blindly trust us so This article will explain to you our personal best time frame for intraday trading. You also need to understand that why it is very important for you to know the best candlestick time frame for intraday, and you also need to understand the logic behind it. We will explain what we know. If you find this article helpful and logical please share this with the needy ones.

What is Time Frame? 

A candlestick denotes a timeframe, and that candlestick defines or tells us about that specific period we are talking about. It tells us about the price action which has happened during that time. This is not a bookish kind of definition but it is what it is. Basically, the time frame tells us the action of price in that period. Suppose if we talk about 1 min time frame, then it tells us about what has happened in the past 1 min then we take judgment on behalf of that. How do we judge that, well that's another topic but in short one needs to have proper knowledge of candlesticks first, then time frame knowledge? If you understand these two points then you will be able to understand what's happening or you will be able to understand the time frame. 

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Best Trading Time Frame For Day Trading?

Best Candlestick chart Time Frame For intraday trading, day trading
15 Min Timeframe

Day trading or intraday trading is when taking an entry into security or stock, if you exit it from the same day then it is a day trade or intraday trade. We are discussing the time frame of this because deciding the time frame is very important. The right time frame gives you the better option. Those who are trading for a time now will understand this statement quite well. The best trading time for intraday is 15 min time frame for us,  not 1 min, 3 min, and 5 min. We personally prefer 15 min only. 

Why 15 Min Time Frame Is The Best Intraday Time Frame?

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Best Candlestick chart Time Frame For intraday trading, day trading
1 Min Trading Timeframe

The Time Frame you select for intraday has to be correct because it should have two-component. One component is volatility and another one is stability on the other hand. It also depends on the person's mindset and behavior of trading. Some people prefer 1 min trading time frame and some do 5 min, but it all depends on their trading behavior. People who are comfortable with 1 min tend to be very aggressive in trading. In general, scalpers prefer 1 min trading time frame. In, 1 min timeframe you can see only the volatility of a stock. You have to make your decisions on behalf of that only. 1 min time frame and 5 min trading time frame might not work for everyone. The time frame we are telling you through this article has both components. It shows the right amount of volatility and the right amount of stability which is very necessary to make any decision for trading. 

Best Candlestick chart Time Frame For intraday trading, day trading
5 Min Day Trading Time Frame

15 min trading time frame shows us exactly what's happening in the stock and this time frame also gives stability. Another point is if are making a decision only basis on 1 min time frame. Your decision won't last very long as that decision was made only in 1 min time frame, but 15 min decisions have been proven right for the day trades. We hope you understand our point of what we meant here. You need stability and volatility for intraday trades and 15 min have both. If we go further 30 min or 1 hr. They only have stability and volatility goes away. If we go towards the lower TF then we are only left with volatility. That's why 15 min is the best trading time frame for you. Try it and you will be thanking us later. Let us know what works for you. 

You can also read this article on GMP click here to read this article. This will enlighten you about the GMP role in IPO listing gain. 

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